Our services are designed to meet your unique needs:
Activator Method and more
Spinal manipulation or chiropractic adjustments can be done employing various techniques.
At Chiro-Center the method used is the Activator Method. The Activator Method employs the use of a small device that aids in adjustments. The device releases gentle impulse forces directly to the desired spot on the spine or other joints to restore mobility to that targeted area. This rapid pulse prevents the muscles from tensing, giving you a more precise adjustment, not adding any additional torque to the joints. You will feel pressure then a quick thrust, similar to the feeling of having your reflexes tested. It is gentle on the spine, targets specific joints, and can reach the smallest areas such as the TMJ, hands and feet. The activator method is safe for all ages - pregnant women, newborn to elderly.
Nutrition Response Testing
Nutrition Response TestingSM or NRT is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body to determine the underlying causes of ill or non-optimal health. NRT works on the premise that the body has the full potential to fully repair itself, when given the right nutrients. Utilizing feedback from your body allows us to provide you with a plan to correct the underlying stresses on the body that can contribute to chronic health problems. This plan may include nutritional supplements, dietary changes, excerise, and lifestyle changes. With strict adherence to the plan, most patients report positive results in 4-6 weeks. Although results can vary from patient to patient.
Laser Therapy
Multiwave Locked System
The Multiwave Locked System® (MLS) Therapy Laser delivers therapeutic wavelengths, to areas designated by the doctor. An energetic synergy is created when delivering these wavelengths that produces greater anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects than either can produce on its own, while minimizing the risk of thermal damage. MLS Laser Therapy has the capability to deliver controlled laser energy. This unique feature provides more accurate therapeutic dose delivery, which means consistent and repeatable results. With high levels of efficacy, safety, and consistency, MLS Laser Therapy can help you achieve relief from pain and restore your lifestyle.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese technique that has been used for millennia to treat chronic pain and other health problems associated with inflammation. Dr Mitchell has been trained and certified in Traditional Acupunture.
The Kinesio Taping® Method is a therapeutic taping technique which alleviates pain and facilitates lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting the skin and stimulating the epidermis at a cellar level.. Kinesio tape is specifically applied to the patient based upon evaluation. This tape applications can be applied in many ways and has the ability to reduce pain and inflammation, promote post-surgical healing, optimize performance, prevent injury and promote good circulation and can assist the body’s natural healing process. It can re-educate the neuromuscular system, prevent injury and promote good circulation and healing, and assist in returning the body to homeostasis.
Whole body, whole person aproach
Enjoy your success
Every person is unique and incorporating multiple modalities we are able to meet you and your health goals.
Every person has unique gifts and those gifts give him or her the power and the opportunity to accomplish great things.
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